Friday, February 11, 2011

Cheap games are like a zerg rush on your free time

I'm not the first one to sing the praises of the insane sales that happen on digital distribution sites like Steam. Games that retail for $60 can sometimes drop down into the teens, and games that are in that $20 will-I-won't-I range, where you are so close to an impulse buy anyway will drop down to less than the price of lunch. How do these people make money? I have no idea- but I give away toys to children for free, so what do I know about margins?

I have done a truckload of gaming and still have created a larger backlog than when I started 2010 because of the lunacy of men like Gabe Newell. It is a horrendous, dangerous, beautiful thing and I hope that each and every one of you kiddies has had a chance to enjoy the same.

What, did you think I was dead?

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